LButton = 1; {left button} RButton = 2; {right button} MButton = 4; {middle button}The following variable exist:
MouseFound: Boolean;it is set to True or False in the unit's initialization code.
GetLastButtonPress Stores the position where Button was last pressed in x and y and returns the number of times this button has been pressed since the last call to this function with Button as parameter. For Button you can use the LButton, RButton and MButton constants for resp. the left, right and middle button. With certain mouse drivers, checking the middle button when using a two-button mouse to gives and clears the stats of the right button.
{example for GetLastButtonPress and GetLastButtonRelease} Uses MsMouse, Crt; Var x, y, times: Longint; c: Char; Begin If MouseFound Then Begin ClrScr; ShowMouse; Writeln('Move the mouse and click the buttons (press escape to quit).'); Writeln('Press the L-key to see the stats for the left button.'); Writeln('Press the R-key to see the stats for the right button.'); Writeln('Press the M-key to see the stats for the middle button.'); GotoXY(1,19); Write('Since the last call to GetLastButtonPress with this button as parameter, the'); GotoXY(1,22); Write('Since the last call to GetLastButtonRelease with this button as parameter, the'); Repeat If Keypressed Then Begin c := UpCase(Readkey); Case c Of 'L': Begin GotoXY(1, 20); ClrEol; times := GetLastButtonPress(LButton, x, y); Write('left button has been pressed ',times, ' times, the last time at (',x,',',y,')'); times := GetLastButtonRelease(LButton, x, y); GotoXY(1,23); ClrEol; Write('left button has been released ',times, ' times, the last time at (',x,',',y,')') End; 'R': Begin GotoXY(1, 20); ClrEol; times := GetLastButtonPress(RButton, x, y); Writeln('right button has been pressed ',times, ' times, the last time at (',x,',',y,')'); times := GetLastButtonRelease(RButton, x, y); GotoXY(1,23); ClrEol; Write('right button has been released ',times, ' times, the last time at (',x,',',y,')') End; 'M': Begin GotoXY(1, 20); ClrEol; times := GetLastButtonPress(MButton, x, y); Writeln('middle button has been pressed ',times, ' times, the last time at (',x,',',y,')'); times := GetLastButtonRelease(MButton, x, y); GotoXY(1,23); ClrEol; Write('middle button has been released ',times, ' times, the last time at (',x,',',y,')') End End End; Until (c = #27); {escape} While KeyPressed do ReadKey; GotoXY(1,24); HideMouse End End.
GetLastButtonRelease stores the position where Button was last released in x and y and returns the number of times this button has been released since the last call to this function with Button as parameter. For button you can use the LButton, RButton and MButton constants for resp. the left, right and middle button. With certain mouse drivers, checking the middle button when using a two-button mouse to gives and clears the stats of the right button.
GetMouseState Returns information on the current mouse position and which buttons are currently pressed. x and y return the mouse cursor coordinates in pixels. Buttons is a bitmask. Check the example program to see how you can get the necessary information from it.
{example for GetMouseState, IsLPressed, IsRPressed and IsMPressed} Uses MsMouse, Crt; Var X, Y, State: Longint; Begin If MouseFound Then Begin ClrScr; ShowMouse; GotoXY(5,24); Write('Left button:'); GotoXY(30,24); Write('Right button:'); GotoXY(55,24); Write('Middle button:'); While KeyPressed do Readkey; {clear keyboard buffer} Repeat GetMouseState(x, y, State); GotoXY(20, 22); Write('X: ',x:5,' (column: ',(x div 8):2,') Y: ',y:5, ' (row: ',(y div 8):2,')'); GotoXY(18, 24); {left button} If (State and LButton) = LButton Then {or: "If LPressed Then". If you use this function, no call to GetMouseState is necessary} Write('Down') Else Write('Up '); GotoXY(44, 24); {right button} If (State and RButton) = RButton Then {or: "If RPressed Then"} Write('Down') Else Write('Up '); GotoXY(70, 24); {middle button} If (State and MButton) = MButton Then {or: "If MPressed Then"} Write('Down') Else Write('Up ') Until KeyPressed; HideMouse; While KeyPressed Do Readkey End End.
HideMouse makes the mouse cursor invisible. Multiple calls to HideMouse will require just as many calls to ShowMouse to make the mouse cursor visible again.
InitMouse Initializes the mouse driver sets the variable MouseFound depending on whether or not a mouse is found. This is Automatically called at the start of your program. You should never have to call it, unless you want to reset everything to its default values.
Program Mouse1; {example for InitMouse and MouseFound} Uses MsMouse; Begin If MouseFound Then Begin {go into graphics mode 13h} Asm movl $0x013, %eax pushl %ebp int $0x010 popl %ebp End; InitMouse; ShowMouse; {otherwise it stays invisible} Writeln('Mouse Found! (press enter to quit)'); Readln; {back to text mode} Asm movl $3, %eax pushl %ebp int $0x010 popl %ebp End End End.
LPressed returns True if the left mouse button is pressed. This is simply a wrapper for the GetMouseState procedure.
MPressed returns True if the middle mouse button is pressed. This is simply a wrapper for the GetMouseState procedure.
RPressed returns True if the right mouse button is pressed. This is simply a wrapper for the GetMouseState procedure.
SetMouseAscii sets the Ascii value of the character that depicts the mouse cursor in text mode. The difference between this one and SetMouseShape, is that the foreground and background colors stay the same and that the Ascii code you enter is the character that you will get on screen; there's no XOR'ing.
{example for SetMouseAscii} {warning: no error checking is performed on the input} Uses MsMouse, Crt; Var ascii: Byte; x,y: Longint; Begin If MouseFound Then Begin ClrScr; Writeln('Press any mouse button to quit after you''ve entered an Ascii value.'); Writeln; Writeln('ASCII value of mouse cursor:'); ShowMouse; Repeat GotoXY(30,3); ClrEol; Readln(ascii); SetMouseAscii(ascii) Until (GetLastButtonPress(LButton,x,y) <> 0) Or (GetLastButtonPress(RButton,x,y) <> 0) Or (GetLastButtonPress(MButton,x,y) <> 0); HideMouse End; End.
SetMouseHideWindow defines a rectangle on screen with top-left corner at (xmin,ymin) and botto-right corner at (xmax,ymax),which causes the mouse cursor to be turned off when it is moved into it. When the mouse is moved into the specified region, it is turned off until you call ShowMouse again. However, once you've called ShowMouse, you'll have to call SetMouseHideWindow again to redefine the hide window... This may be annoying, but it's the way it's implemented in the mouse driver. While xmin, ymin, xmax and ymax are Longint parameters, only the lower 16 bits are used.
Warning: it seems Win98 SE doesn't (properly) support this function, maybe this already the case with earlier versions too!
{example for SetMouseHideWindow} {warning: when the mouse is moved into the specified region, it is turned off until you call ShowMouse again. However, when you've called ShowMouse, you'll have to call SetMouseHideWindow again to redefine the hide window... It's not our fault, that's the way it's implemented in the mouse driver. Below you can find an example of how to define a "permanent" hide region with the cursor showing up again when you move it out of the region Note: the mouse functions are zero-based, GotoXY is 1-based} Uses MsMouse, Crt; Var x, y, buttons: Longint; MouseOn: Boolean; Begin If MouseFound Then Begin ClrScr; For y := 1 to 25 Do Begin GotoXY(20,y); Write('|'); GotoXY(60,y); Write('|'); End; MouseOn := true; GotoXY(30, 24); Writeln('Press any key to quit'); ShowMouse; SetMousePos(1,1); While KeyPressed Do Readkey; Repeat GetMouseState(x,y,buttons); If Not(MouseOn) And ((x <= 19*8) or (x >= 59*8)) Then Begin ShowMouse; MouseOn := true End; If MouseOn And (x > 19*8) And (x<59*8) Then Begin SetMouseHideWindow(20*8,0,60*8,25*8); MouseOn := false End; Until KeyPressed; While KeyPressed Do Readkey; HideMouse End End.
SetMosusePos sets the position of the mouse cursor on the screen. x is the horizontal position in pixels, y the vertical position in pixels. The upper-left hand corner of the screen is the origin. While x and y are longints, only the lower 16 bits are used.
{example for SetMousePos} Uses MsMouse, Crt; Begin If MouseFound Then Begin ShowMouse; While KeyPressed do ReadKey; Repeat SetMousePos(Random(80*8), Random(25*8)); delay(100); Until Keypressed; HideMouse; While KeyPressed do ReadKey; End; End.
SetMouseShape defines how the mouse cursor looks in textmode The character and its attributes that are on the mouse cursor's position on screen are XOR'ed with resp. ForeColor, BackColor and Ascii. Set them all to 0 for a "transparent" cursor.
{example for SetMouseShape} {warning: no error checking is performed on the input} {the Ascii value you enter is XOR'ed with the Ascii value of the character on the screen over which you move the cursor. To get a "transparent" cursor, use the Ascii value 0} Uses MsMouse, Crt; Var ascii, fc, bc: Byte; x,y: Longint; Begin If MouseFound Then Begin ClrScr; Writeln('Press any mouse button to quit after you''ve entered a sequence of numbers.'); Writeln; Writeln('ASCII value of mouse cursor:'); Writeln('Forground color:'); Writeln('Background color:'); ShowMouse; Repeat GotoXY(30,3); ClrEol; Readln(ascii); GotoXY(18,4); ClrEol; Readln(fc); GotoXY(19,5); ClrEol; Readln(bc); SetMouseShape(fc, bc, ascii) Until (GetLastButtonPress(LButton,x,y) <> 0) Or (GetLastButtonPress(RButton,x,y) <> 0) Or (GetLastButtonPress(MButton,x,y) <> 0); HideMouse End; End.
SetMouseSpeed sets the mouse speed in mickeys per 8 pixels. A mickey is the smallest measurement unit handled by a mouse. With this procedure you can set how many mickeys the mouse should move to move the cursor 8 pixels horizontally of vertically. The default values are 8 for horizontal and 16 for vertical movement. While this procedure accepts longint parameters, only the low 16 bits are actually used.
Uses MsMouse, Crt; Var hor, vert: Longint; x, y: Longint; Begin If MouseFound Then Begin ClrScr; Writeln('Click any button to quit after you''ve entered a sequence of numbers.'); Writeln; Writeln('Horizontal mickey''s per pixel:'); Writeln('Vertical mickey''s per pixel:'); ShowMouse; Repeat GotoXY(32,3); ClrEol; Readln(hor); GotoXY(30,4); ClrEol; Readln(vert); SetMouseSpeed(hor, vert); Until (GetLastButtonPress(LButton,x,y) <> 0) Or (GetLastButtonPress(RButton,x,y) <> 0) Or (GetLastButtonPress(MButton,x,y) <> 0); End End.
SetMousWindow defines a rectangle on screen with top-left corner at (xmin,ymin) and bottom-right corner at (xmax,ymax), out of which the mouse cursor can't move. This procedure is simply a wrapper for the SetMouseXRange and SetMouseYRange procedures. While xmin, ymin, xmax and ymax are Longint parameters, only the lower 16 bits are used.
SetMouseXRange sets the minimum (Min) and maximum (Max) horizontal coordinates in between which the mouse cursor can move. While Min and Max are Longint parameters, only the lower 16 bits are used.
{example for SetMouseXRange, SetMouseYRange and SetMouseWindow} Uses MsMouse, Crt; Begin If MouseFound Then Begin SetMouseXRange(20*8,50*8); {charracter width and height = 8 pixels} SetMouseYRange(10*8,15*8); {the two lines of code have exactly the same effect as SetMouseWindow(20*8,10*8,50*8,15*8)} Writeln('Press any key to quit.'); ShowMouse; While KeyPressed Do ReadKey; Readkey; While KeyPressed Do ReadKey; HideMouse End End.
SetMouseYRange sets the minimum (Min) and maximum (Max) vertical coordinates in between which the mouse cursor can move. While Min and Max are Longint parameters, only the lower 16 bits are used.
ShowMouse makes the mouse cursor visible. At the start of your progam, the mouse cursor is invisible.
{example for ShowMouse and HideMouse} Uses MsMouse; Begin ClrScr; If MouseFound Then Begin Writeln('Now you can see the mouse... (press enter to continue)'); ShowMouse; Readln; HideMouse; Writeln('And now you can''t... (press enter to quit)'); Readln End End.