tmmxshortint = array[0..7] of shortint; tmmxbyte = array[0..7] of byte; tmmxword = array[0..3] of word; tmmxinteger = array[0..3] of integer; tmmxfixed = array[0..3] of fixed16; tmmxlongint = array[0..1] of longint; tmmxcardinal = array[0..1] of cardinal; { for the AMD 3D } tmmxsingle = array[0..1] of single;And the following pointers to the above types:
pmmxshortint = ^tmmxshortint; pmmxbyte = ^tmmxbyte; pmmxword = ^tmmxword; pmmxinteger = ^tmmxinteger; pmmxfixed = ^tmmxfixed; pmmxlongint = ^tmmxlongint; pmmxcardinal = ^tmmxcardinal; { for the AMD 3D } pmmxsingle = ^tmmxsingle;The following initialized constants allow you to determine if the computer has MMX extensions. They are set correctly in the unit's initialization code.
is_mmx_cpu : boolean = false; is_amd_3d_cpu : boolean = false;
Program MMXDemo; uses mmx; var d1 : double; a : array[0..10000] of double; i : longint; begin d1:=1.0; {$mmx+} { floating point data is used, but we do _no_ arithmetic } for i:=0 to 10000 do a[i]:=d2; { this is done with 64 bit moves } {$mmx-} emms; { clear fpu } { now we can do floating point arithmetic again } end.