Chapter 5. Accessories

Table of Contents
Memory Technology Devices - RAM and Flash Cards
USB Devices
Printers and Scanners
Power and Phone Plugs, Power Supply
Bags and Suitcases


Card Families

  1. Ethernet adapter

  2. Token Ring adapter

  3. Ethernet + Modem / GSM

  4. Fax-Modem / GSM adapter

  5. SCSI adapter

  6. I/O cards: RS232, LPT, RS422, RS485, GamePort, IrDA®, Radio, Video

  7. Memory cards

  8. harddisks

  9. 2.5" harddisk adapters

For desktops there are PCMCIA slots for ISA and PCI bus available.


Linux Compatibility Check

With the command cardctl ident you may get information about your card. Put this information into /etc/pcmcia/config.opts if necessary. But this may not be enough to get the card to work, but works sometimes for no-name network cards or modem cards. If you get a card to work or have written a new driver please don't forget to announce this to the developer of the PCMCIA-CS package David Hinds . Look the current issue of his file SUPPORTED.CARDS to get information about supported cards.

Since there are not all cards mentioned I have set up a page PCMCIA Cards - Unofficially - Supported by Linux .